HUD Rental Data in UWP

I’m currently looking to sell a rental house and buy another rental house, so I went looking for a data-centric way to find out 1) how much houses in a given area are selling for 2) how much rent I can expect to get for a given house. While I’m still working on part 1,…

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Using Vectors in an App Bar (Windows 8 + Windows Phone 8.1)

I’m going to do this backwards. I’ll start assuming you already have your vector icon in XAML. Then, how to import your vector icon from Illustrator to XAML. The basics: Your button should look like this: <AppBarButton x:Name=”MyButton”     Label=”do stuff”     Style=”{StaticResource HeadphoneVectorIcons}”/> And the style should look like this: <Style x:Key=”HeadphoneVectorIcons”         TargetType=”ButtonBase”>…

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