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Going to MIX 09

I’ve signed up for MIX 09, so I’ll be headed to Las Vegas this March. If you’re thinking about it, they’re having a pretty solid promotional where you can register for 40% off the standard cost with the RSVP code “MIXspecial1”.

Go do it

Interesting stuff happening at MIX this year…

Johnny Lee, whose idea of using the Wiimote for multi-point interaction I shamelessly ripped off,  will be giving a session on Interaction Techniques Using the Wii Remote (and Other HCI Projects). I’m curious to see if this gives us anything more than what we’ve seen in his previous videos.

Robby Ingebretsen is running the Design Fundamentals for Developers workshop. Robby has a great design sense and his talks are always entertaining. On the other side of that, there is the Cynergy workshop with Rick Barraza, Michael Wolf and Jose Fajerdo on Developing for Experience with 3 Heads. It would be a tough task to find a better design/development team and I look forward to their workshop.

Anyway… have a great holiday. I’m probably going to be offline for a while…