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My MIX 10K Submission Is Up!

I finally got my MIX 10K Challenge submission up! For those of you who don’t know, the MIX 10K Challenge is a  contest realted to the Microsoft MIX conference to create an application is 10K of code or less. There are all sorts of great prizes and I would really like one of them. 🙂

It’s called Zombie Zapper and I think it’s pretty cool. Sadly, I submitted it and then, while I waited for it to get accepted I made some tweaks that made it much better, so the older, not-as-good version is online there. You can play the refined version here.

But, if you like it, PLEASE go vote for me.

The way this works is like so: The white boxes are like trampolines that you can control. When the zombies are walking on the trampoline, drag down on the white box and when you release it will propell the zombie into space.