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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-21

  • Hrm… Registration somehow lost my workshop registration. Trying to get the problem solved. #MIX10 #
  • In @john_papa and @mtaulty's Silverlight 4 Boot Camp.. sitting in between 2 health care devs. #
  • Is there anything less reliable for a demo than the Twitter API? I want to make sure my demos crash more frequently. #MIX10 #
  • @LBugnion If it still works when I'm demoing it, I'll be so happy you can say whatever you want. in reply to LBugnion #
  • Follow @xamlcoder for excellent updates on #MIX10 sessions and workshops. The man is a machine. #
  • @jaredtpotter are you at lunch? in reply to jaredtpotter #
  • Wow, mix sure changed their branding from last year #
  • RT @justsomeguy: Design workshop at #MIX10 is going to have a nonSPOILER #wp7s bit at the end! #
  • @blovesmath Hooray! Thank you for a great room, Microsoft… in reply to blovesmath #
  • Did @arturot just call one of the sample designs "more design-y"? Yes he did. #MIX10 #
  • The #MIX10 "Design Tools and Techniques" workshop has a lot of "initial" designs done in After Effects. Interesting. #
  • @ClaudioASanchez Yeah… Seemed too much like someone else walking through an ASP.NET MVC book in reply to ClaudioASanchez #
  • @tvanfleet (embarrassed)… I missed the first couple minutes. Dangit. in reply to tvanfleet #
  • AH! The designers just deleted the ContentPresenter in a Silverlight Button! Will no one end the madness? #MIX10 #
  • Guess what… it's Pi Day! (03/14) Someone at #MIX10 has to mention it… #
  • @robertmoore That is tragic. I guess they just rounded pi down this year #BadMathJokes in reply to robertmoore #
  • The Archetype #MIX10 presentation on design in Silverlight is just brilliant. Very practical. #
  • RT @rickbarraza: AWESOME! CNN covered my Surface demo at #SXSW Watch part of the demo here: | Congrats! #
  • @ClaudioASanchez I'm in the second row front and center… in reply to ClaudioASanchez #
  • Dear #MIX10 people not in workshops: stop having fun w/o me… I'll be out to play in an hour #
  • In a "general" talk about UI development for phone applications… Windows Mobile 7 might come up. #MIX10 #
  • Having so much fun working on my demos I almost don't mind paying so much for internet access #MIX10 #
  • @nathandunlap Are you going to be where you are for much longer? I'll jump down there and say hi. in reply to nathandunlap #
  • 3 years ago Microsoft gave MIX speakers brand new Zunes & Windows. This year at #mix10 even the t-shirts are gone. (via @lukewdesign) #
  • In the keynote room for the "keynote you don't want to miss (wink, wink)" So I am told. #MIX10 #
  • Did he just pinch zoom the Windows phone on stage?!?! Someone call the Apple lawyers! #MIX10 #
  • It's great that we can use our design tools for the Windows phone, but do I need a 30 min demo that says "everything is the same"? #MIX10 #
  • After the #MIX10 keynote, seeing people tapping away on their #PDC multitouch laptops makes me cry #
  • About to grab lunch at #MIX10 Anyone want to join me? #
  • OData could replace "Export to CSV" (thanks @shanselman for the idea) #mix10 (via @dodegaard) #
  • Sitting near the meal hall sign (view from my seat ) #
  • Getting ready to murder the #MIX10 wifi… sure would like to be able to pull a web service for my demo #
  • At th house of blues with @DavidJKelley & @justsomeguy & @John_papa & … Well, hell, everyone is here #
  • I just got the greatest shirt from @Estoychev. Look for "I XAML" for the rest of #MIX10 #
  • @discorax you'll find out tomorrow. in reply to discorax #
  • The Silverlight MIXer: it's the 100 people you want to meet at #MIX10 all in one place #
  • Got kicked into the overflow room for the #MIX10 keynote #veracitygeeks #
  • The girl in the #MIX10 visual studio keynote slides is freaking me out #
  • Liking the OData demo, seems pretty powerful. Could be amazing for live data information visualizations #MIX10 #
  • "with ODATA you can do you job with almost no work whatsoever" #MIX10 #DontTellMyBoss #
  • RT @rickbarraza isn't Buxton supposed to keynote today? Cause I will so go to sleep if he's not gonna talk. #DONT_MAKE_ MIX_INTO_PDC #
  • RT @nathandunlap maybe bill buxton will come out next to bring us unicorn tears and rainbow generators #mix10 #
  • RT @a7an dangit guess i accidentally came to a PDC keynote… come on already. #mix10 #
  • Bill Buxton: "NUI must be real; it's got its own wikipedia page" #
  • RT @nathandunlap -… .. .-.. .-.. -… ..- -..- – — -. .-. — -.-. -.- … #mix10 | heh #
  • Buxton is pointing out that "Natural User Interface" is dependent on what "natural" means #MIX10 #DamnStraight #
  • Not really sure that the odd screen effects are adding anything to the Buxton talk #MIX10 #
  • Bill Buxton is doing live user research at the #MIX10 keynote! #UXForTheWin #
  • Buxton: "mobile apps have to respect a locative and social place to be successful" #MIX10 #
  • I'm starting a #MIX10InvisibleSchwag hashtag #
  • Wow! A free multitouch laptop at #MIX10 #MIX10InvisibleSchwag #
  • Check out the amazing design book I got free at #MIX10 #MIX10InvisibleSchwag #
  • .@davidjkelley shows off his silverlight/arduino project at #MIX10 commons. That's not a typo. #
  • Sitting at lunch almost directly beneath the "Meal Hall Sponsored by Microsoft Translator" sign #
  • @ClaudioASanchez in the food hall near the "Meal Hall Sponsored by Microsoft Translator" sign, where are you? in reply to ClaudioASanchez #
  • This is a problem, Microsoft RT @DavidJKelley: Talked to an attendee designer who thinks #mix10 has nothing to do with #ux and is about tech #
  • At the Tacos & Tequila in the Luxor. Hmmm, what shall I have? #
  • Line to get into LAX for #MIX10 #
  • Hint: if you ask for a scotch at LAX, they give you JW Black. Yum. #MIX10 #
  • If you run into the guys from Mentor Engineering, say hi… Very cool people. #
  • Holy crap, the Microsoft LUX party is awesome. I take back everything bad I ever said about Microsoft. Can I have another drink? #
  • A techo version of "the eye of the tiger"? I must be losing my mind. I refuse to believe this is real. #
  • @ClaudioASanchez I need to get put of the LUX… The ethonol is doing vad things to my neurons in reply to ClaudioASanchez #
  • 90 minutes to my #MIX10 presentation and one of my key demos breaks. Hooray for backups #
  • In my session room. Everyone book it over to Lagoon F for information visualization in silverlight #MIX10 #
  • #MIX10 tweet visualization prep: #MIX10 #MIX10 #MIX10 #MIX10 #MIX10 #
  • Finished my #MIX10 info viz talk a little early, wishing I had talked a little slower & breathed more than twice #
  • Thanks to everyone who came to my #MIX10 info viz presentation! I'll get the bits online asap. #
  • After my #MIX10 talk I gained 30-40 quality followers on Twitter. Hooray for community. #
  • @adamroderick Heh… just sent you an e-mail about that. Ping me back when you can & let's figure it out. in reply to adamroderick #
  • The geometry and aesthetics of stacked graphs (via @adamroderick) #
  • Not that they need my endorsement, but the guys at Archetype had a remarkable workshop on design in Blend #MIX10 #
  • @victorgaudioso I'll try harder to keep on top of it. πŸ™‚ in reply to victorgaudioso #
  • RT @ryantherobot: @svarcoe welcome back! πŸ˜€ take a picture! | Yeah, I want to see πŸ™‚ #
  • RT @ingebretsen: 10 Favorite Open Source Fonts You Can Embed in WPF or Silverlight #
  • .@ingebretsen talks about fonts like a wine connoisseur: "This dry sans font feels oaky w/ a hint of vanilla. Very friendly" #
  • My wife is reading the @infragistics comic to my niece. The 3-year-old is confused why dinosaurs bite computers. #
  • Downloading the @MIX10 talks for watching on a Zune HD (thank you @justsomeguy) #
  • RT @MSDN_News: #Dev Download: Bing API, Version 2 #MSDN #
  • Dear Blend team, thank you for the "Save Copy of Project" option. Without you, I wouldn't have had a presentation. #
  • Posted the code for my #MIX10 information visualization demos #
  • If you missed my #MIX10 Silverlight info viz talk, I've posted one of my demos #
  • Oops… my #MIX10 video has been replaced with Nate Kohari's. At first I thought TV added about 6 inches. #
  • @mixevent Quick heads up, the video for my talk (EX12) is swapped with Nate Kohari's ASP.Net MVC 2 talk (EX10) #
  • @LBugnion The site is working for me now. Sorry I missed you at #MIX10 Maybe next year. in reply to LBugnion #
  • My #MIX10 Info Viz in Silverlight talk is up! Don't worry… it's short #
  • video of my @ignitesaltlake mobile phone dev rap battle with @justsomeguy is up #
  • RT @LBugnion: Blend add-in for the phone is a bit tough to find, here's a link: and SDK #wp7dev #mix10 #
  • A huge thanks to the @MIXevent team for their work getting #MIX10 session videos up in record time. You guys are awesome. #
  • @codenenterp One of the guys I met gave his first name as "firstName lastName" and his last name as his twitter handle in reply to codenenterp #
  • If you missed it last night, code from my #MIX10 visualization demos is up #
  • @mahoekst I've got 4 installed too (4.0.50303.0)… hrm, checked in firefox, Chrome, IE8. No idea. in reply to mahoekst #
  • RT @edward_tanguay: …"I'm a lonely sysadmin, sometimes I shut down a server just so I get a phone call." Heh #
  • Finished half of the @ingebretsen #MIX10 design talk and video file died. On the edge of my seat for the rest of it… #
  • Anyone else having trouble with my demo visualization here? Let me know… #
  • @mahoekst If you get a chance, can you check it again… I think I have it fixed in reply to mahoekst #
  • @mahoekst Sweet… thanks! in reply to mahoekst #
  • My niece is toiling night and day to figure out the meaning behind Gort the @infragistics dinosaur #
  • @ingebretsen Go Robby! That is so awesome! Congrats! in reply to ingebretsen #
  • Awesome! Someone hacked into my blog. 20 minutes of panic later and I've got it fixed. Damn hackers #

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