- Need United States vector maps for visualizations in Silvelright or WPF? You're in luck. http://bit.ly/baq0fE #
- @victorgaudioso Can't you use behaviors to do that? What kind of events are you trying to hook into? in reply to victorgaudioso #
- Watched the first half of @LBugnion's MIX10 MVVM talk on the treadmill. Exercising body and mind. Like a ninja. #
- Free Microsoft e-learning or certification exam for certain states… 26,000 vouchers in Mass! http://bit.ly/bCRBI3 #
- @mattmckeon If you've got some time, I was hoping to ping you with some interactive info viz questions… #
- Is @themotleyfool participating in Stupid Internet Joke Day? Trying to analyze articles for satire. Not very easy. #
- RT @flowingdata: Streamgraph code is available and open source http://bit.ly/9Vdclv (for @adamroderick) #
- @adamroderick I don't know if you've used processing, but it's a pretty straightforward math-to-code-to-visuals system. in reply to adamroderick #
- RT @themotleyfool: We see that Tom Gardner built himself a fort with bundles of the Fed's $100 bills. He'll answer only to "Your Majesty." #
- Wow. The Penny Arcade guys are candidates for Time's 100 most influential people http://bit.ly/b3kCCX #
- Classic visualization Baby Name Wizard upgraded from Java to Flash, usability and perf destroyed http://bit.ly/dy8CWU #
- @Pete_Brown I can't un-see that picture. You've ruined my whole life
in reply to Pete_Brown #
- 2 MIT students spent $100 to catch up with 2 year old technology. Now: http://bit.ly/dwe96z 2 years ago: http://bit.ly/b6LQMM #
- @marshallUtah Hooray for reinventing the wheel! Why should we use existing technology when we can build our own? in reply to marshallUtah #
- @marshallUtah Here's the same thing at a cheaper price with a webcam 4 years ago. http://atlasgloves.org/ in reply to marshallUtah #
- Just so you know, Windows Phone 7 development? Insanely easy. So easy, I almost feel dirty. #
- RT @BrianPeek: If only TweetDeck filtered tweets with the word "iPad"…we get it people…you bought one, & you tweeted with it. Congrats. #
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