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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-25

  • RT @leebrimelow: New 22" 3M multi touch monitor is now available (supports 20 touch points) – #
  • RT @scrivs: Android vs iPhone summed up in an image. | Too funny. #
  • RT @libel_vox: 22" 3M multi touch monitor with 20 touch points? **FINALLY** something to run my bread-kneading app on. #
  • Tonight, I pulled MYSQL data into a Silverlight app via PHP web service spitting out JSON. I am a god. A god who needs whiskey. #
  • Wow RT @mattmckeon: So you need a typeface: #
  • Installing Visual Studio on my new red dev machine. It has other specs too. But it's red. #
  • Wow, I really suck at database design. #
  • "If a hundred artists create art for five years, how could the result not be art?" #
  • RT @infragistics: Design for Delight – #
  • Check out Pillbox, an open source Windows Phone 7 LOB app build in Silverlight #

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