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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

  • Visualize the stimulus data in Silverlight with #
  • @spangborn Dang… I am using the latest Silverlight for it. That’s probably the problem in reply to spangborn #
  • @spangborn Sorry about that 🙁 in reply to spangborn #
  • My new i7 laptop is encoding HD video faster than I could record it. Absurd levels of technology going on here. #
  • @LBugnion personally, I’d love to see one or two more reference apps that focus on a single basic MVVM Lite feature. in reply to LBugnion #
  • @LBugnion Wow… that’s pretty ambitious. 🙂 in reply to LBugnion #
  • In the Beginner Android session at #GoogleIO Will it be like watching the beginner videos? Time will tell. #
  • Wow. The beginner Android speaker actually assumes we aren’t idiots, goes directly to “dos/donts” of android dev. #Android1 #
  • Beginning Android session in 3 words: “Users, users, users” #Android1 #IO2010 #
  • I love my i7 notebook, but at a conference it’s like housing a nuclear reactor on my knees. #
  • @scottheffield Beats the hell out of my old laptio, codenamed “Bigfoot” in reply to scottheffield #
  • Note to self: download synaptics scrybe #
  • I have a data set I want to be integrated with Open Government Data Initiative (OGDI). Anyone know how? #
  • In the Android UI Design Patterns session #IO2010 #
  • If you’re even remotely into mobile UI, check out the Android UI Design Patterns talk at #IO2010 Solid. #
  • SWEET! Android Icon Template Pack for designing new Android icons #IO2010 #
  • @timsneath Are you at #IO2010 If so, I should come say hi… in reply to timsneath #
  • Heh. “We, Google, are here to save the world from some unnamed evil mobile companies (wink wink)” #IO2010 #
  • @johnmcbride To be fair, Android hasn’t had the media blitz that Apple has had. Media drives money, which makes dev pay off. in reply to johnmcbride #
  • Google says “Don’t pay for an iPad 3G. Use your Android phone 3G to share the WiFi with your iPad. Suck it, Apple” #
  • @spangborn True, but it also does an end-run around the need for a 3G iPad. in reply to spangborn #
  • Come to Google I/O in 2011. They’re giving away THREE phones. </joke> #IO2010 #
  • Not yet, at least 🙂 RT @brian_henderson: google demoing that they don’t control what’s on TV #io2010 #
  • Google demonstration of #GoogleTV reminds me why I hate TV #NicCage #Octomom #politics #IO2010 #
  • After #IO2008 I have an iphone, a droid, an Evo 4G, a Zune HD & a Kindle in 1 bag. Which I should not have named ‘SkyNet’ #
  • My mobile device collection has officially gotten out of control #IO2010 #
  • @SharpGIS No… that’s an HTC EVO 4G. I’ll trade it for a WP7 🙂 in reply to SharpGIS #
  • Talked with @nytimes developer at Google #IO2010 pointed me to Good times. #
  • Heh RT @FwdAnimation: Sure GoogleIO got phones, PDC got laptops, but #MIX10 had TIGERS, TIGERS, TIGERS! #FTW 🙂 #
  • RT @victorgaudioso: Pacman is 30 yrs old today. Wow | No it’s not! Lalala… I can’t hear you. #gettingolder #
  • Awesome. I’ve met every single author in Amazon’s “recommended for you” Silverlight book list #IHaveArrived #
  • Why!? Why, Quicken, does CTRL-S not save my files? WHY!?! #

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