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Weekly Links–12-10-2012

Design, UX, and Cool Things

  • iPad to Windows Store app: Design case study (Bart Claeys and Qixing Zheng) – Frequently it’s not the technology that is standing in the way of porting a good app… it’s the UX.
  • Batch: 300+ free icons for interface design – works great with Metro Modern UI. Free to use, but be a sport and donate if you can.
  • TouchDevelop – a Microsoft Research project for developing apps on a tablet-style interface, build apps on devices for devices
  • Practical SketchNoting (Jason Alderman) – Sketchnoting is the art of taking visual notes over simple text. The result is something closer to a comic and is a great way to enhance the readability and use of notes.

Windows Phone

Windows 8

Windows Azure

Code I Use (Tumblr)