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Windows IoT with the Grove Starter Kit on the Intel Galileo board

“Um… no. None of those things are valid options in Clue.”

In the last few months, I’ve had the joy of playing around with the Intel Galileo board for sensor-based Internet of Things projects. First, I installed Windows onto an SD card and popped it into the Galileo board.

Step-by-step guide to get started with Windows IoT on Galileo.

Then I started working with sensors. I found the best way to get started with sensors was to buy a whole bunch of them in a kit. I settled on the Grove Starter Kit because

  1. I saw it at the Intel Developer Forum 2014 conference and it looked awesome
  2. It was verified as compatible by the Windows IoT team

So I started working with the Grove sensors as part of my Windows IoT exploration. That led to this most recent publication… a set of projects for all of the sensors in the Grove starter kit. I also detail what sensors are required for each project and what the projects are meant to do at the IdentityMine blog.

I need more!

I’m still digging into the code, but I found this project from Microsoft MVP Catalin Gheorghiu using temperature sensor sent to a server to execute commands to turn a fan on and off.

Also of interest is this rather ambitious home automation project by Dan Thyer “controlling 30 different things with 3 types of microcontrollers with nearly 150 commands”. It uses (among other things) the Kinect and Netduino. So while it’s not a Galileo project, it is a cool source of inspiration.