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Windows Phone 8 Sensors Overview (Plus Code)

I’ve given this presentation a few times now and for my victims… I mean audience, I’m making the slides and code that I used for the presentation available here.

Windows Phone 8 Sensors (Maps, NFC, Speech) PowerPoint

Windows Phone 8 Sensors Code (Maps and Speech demos)

There are several blog posts in here waiting to get out, but a quick summary of the source code:

  • Create a Map UI
  • Find a location using the Location API (and display it on a map)
  • Update that location
  • Collect location information through map interactions
  • Create a Route with a list of geocoordinates
  • Download maps for offline use
  • Simple Speech-to-Text implementation
  • Simple Text-to-Speech implementation
  • Find all the Speech Voices and Speech Recognizers available on your phone (multiple language support)