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WOWZAPP Hanoi Vietnam Winners

This last week I was honored to represent Microsoft in Hanoi, Vietnam for the WOWZAPP Worldwide Hackathon. The Hanoi event I attended was packed full, every seat filled with ambitious young developers working to create their new apps for Windows 8.

Below you’ll find the winners of the WOWZAPP Hackathon in Hanoi. I’m working on securing some screenshots and descriptions of the winning apps, but for now these are the teams and individuals you should be watching for the future of development in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Winning App – Edu4KiD

Team Lаureatus

  • Vi Ngo Van – VCCorp
  • Tin Vu Khac – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Cong Tran Minh – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nhung Nguyen Hong – Terra

Second Place – Pair the Zombie (game)

Team ICT54

  • Quyen Luc Quoc – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Trung Ngo Trong – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Son Nguyen Hoang – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Long Pham Trong – Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Third Place – Matlas (World Bank data app)

Team Matlas

  • Long Nguyen Hoang – FPT Software
  • Chien Nguyen Van – FPT University
  • Tuan Anh Truong – FPT University
  • Tuan Vu Quang – FPT University


Smart Music


  • Yen Hoang – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Anh Nguyen – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Toan Nguyen – Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Tung Nguyen – Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Game Space War

Team Antares

  • Nghia Le – FPT University
  • Binh Vu – FPT University
  • Nghia Truong – FPT University
  • Hung Le – FPT University

Ấy ở Hà Nội

Team BAF

  • Trung Tran – FPT University
  • Thanh Cong Minh – FPT University
  • Hoang La Minh – FPT University
  • Anh Le Diep – FPT University

Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up and a huge thank-you to everyone who participated!

(If you see your name or app here and you’d like to add a screenshot, please let me know in the comments or send me an email at mashapir – (at) – microsot – (dot) – com )