WPF Multitouch via Rick Barraza

Last time I was at Microsoft, I spoke briefly (for about 2 hours) with Rick Barraza about the need to get designers into the WPF space and how des/devs (designer developers) can really push forward a technology like WPF. In fact, it was Rick who inspired me to do more work on this blog as a…

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Bookmarks for May 6th

These are my links for May 6th: AutoScroller For Silverlight 2 ScrollViewer – Working on my own scrolling issues… there seem to be alot of them, but the more I dig into the control, the more I understand why. How to set the row height of a Grid in the code – Valuable if you're…

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Updates to Old Projects

I’ve been really quiet lately, largely because I’ve been working on updating my Silverlight projects so that they run again (after RCW killed my compatibility). Updated Mac View Scroller for Silverlight Updated Zooming Buttons I’ve updated and uploaded all the project code for these files as well. I’m working on getting the Silverlight Color Picker…

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