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Vote for my MIX 11 Open Call Session

One of the things that I’ve been fascinated by since last year’s MIX conference is the motion design in place in Windows Phone 7. In a past life I worked as a video producer and I’m always stunned to see how well people respond to beautiful animations… especially in interface design.

You can see this fascination in my multiple blog posts on Windows Phone 7 motion design:

Now I’m trying to take my passion and talk about it at MIX 11. My goal with this talk is to show some excellent examples of practical motion design and show 1) how users really respond to good motion design and how it helps our applications seem more responsive and 2) show how to practically implement this motion design in our applications.

My goal is to help us all see how motion design is not icing on the cake, but an essential part of building beautiful applications. So, if you could, please vote for me and help me speak at MIX 11.