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The WPF Designer Guide To Styling the (your-favorite-adjectival-swear-word-here) ListView

So, after months of delay I finally figured that there are probably some people out there who want to figure out how to make the WPF listview look the way they want it to look.

A quick note: I will be dealing almost entirely with the listview look. If you want the listview to do something (functionality) or look a certain way and you can’t find the answer here, leave a comment with your suggestion and I’ll try to blog about it and place a link to the answer in my listview FAQ.

My goal is to create a significant repository on getting the stinking listview to look the way you want and do what you want it to do.

You’re probably here because, compared with most of the WPF controls, Blend gives very little guidance on how to deal with the listview (even though you use the listview for practically everything you do).  So we’re going to start with the basic structure of the listview. This is what the basic listview looks like in the XAML.

<GridViewColumn Header=”Column Header/>

So this post will start out giving basic guidance on what to edit when you’re trying to edit the various parts of the listview. I will update these sections with links and tutorials on listview specific tasks as time goes on.

Read More »The WPF Designer Guide To Styling the (your-favorite-adjectival-swear-word-here) ListView