Missing OpenStreamForWriteAsync on my StorageFile

I have a sample that I use when serializing data in order to save it to a StorageFile in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. It looks a little something (or exactly) like this: StorageFile kittenFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(“Kittens4Ever.kittens”, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); var writeStream = await kittenFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync(); DataContractSerializer kittenSerial = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(ObservableCollection<Kitten>)); kittenSerial.WriteObject(writeStream, listOfKittens); await writeStream.FlushAsync(); writeStream.Close();…

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Weekly Links – 12-3-2012

Cool Stuff (uncategorized) Practical Sketchnoting (pdf) – Sketchnoting is the practice of taking notes using a combination of text and images. Jason Alderman gives helpful tips on how to do it. Windows Phone 8 Windows Phone 8 Toolkit overview (Adam Denning) – The WP8 toolkit isn’t required for building apps in Windows Phone 8, but…

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